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Hi, I'm Laura👋.
I'm a medical doctor, NHS Clinical Entrepreneur 🩺 and software developer, currently building Avid Health 🚀. I'm passionate about the power of tech to transform healthcare.
Can wearable technology be used to approximate cardiopulmonary exercise testing outcomes? Jones L, Tan L, Carey-Jones S [and 8 others, including Morgan M] | PERIOPERATIVE MEDICINE 2021
Extended laboratory panel testing in the Emergency Department for risk-stratification of patients with COVID-19: a single centre retrospective service evaluation. Ponsford M & Burton R, Smith L, Khan P, Andrews R, Cuff S, Tan L [and 7 others including Underwood J] | JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY 2020
Upgrading to CRT: predictors of improving left ventricular ejection fraction. Tan L, Elsayed H [and 4 others including Yousef Z] | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY HEART & VASCULATURE 2020
Comparative incidence of early and late bloodstream and respiratory tract co-infection in patients admitted to ICU with COVID-19 pneumonia versus Influenza A or B pneumonia versus no viral pneumonia: wales multicentre ICU cohort study. Pandey M, May A, Tan L, [and 11 others including Morgan M] | CRITICAL CARE 2022
The Use of Different Sepsis Risk Stratification Tools on the Wards and in Emergency Departments Uncovers Different Mortality Risks: Results of the Three Welsh National Multicenter Point-Prevalence Studies. Unwin H, Kopczynska M , Pugh R, Tan L [and 7 others including Szakmany T] | CRITICAL CARE EXPLORATIONS 2021
Four consecutive yearly point-prevalence studies in Wales indicate lack of improvement in sepsis care on the wards. Kopczynska M [and 31 others], Tan L And Szakmany T | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - NATURE 2021
Association between peri-operative angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin-2 receptor blockers and acute kidney injury in major elective non-cardiac surgery: a multicentre, prospective cohort study. StarSurg Collaborative | ANAESTHESIA 2018
Academic Posters
Association between ABO blood group and COVID-19 susceptibility and severity. Tan L, Huws E [and 7 others including Underwood J] | Oral Presentation & Awarded First Prize At Society For Anaesthetics Spring Meeting 2021
Improving the utilisation of ultrasound for peripheral intravenous cannulation in the Emergency Department. Tan L, Brum H, Jesani L, Loka T, Bewaji E, Ayres T | Bristol Patient Safety Conference 2021
Automatic identification of global features and local features of the human heart. Tan L, Mielewczik M, Dhutia N, Francis D | Imperial College Biomedical Symposium 2018
A robust and fast algorithm for fully automated detection of the ultrasound cone in echocardiographic image sequences. Mielewczik M, Tan L, Dhutia N, Francis D | Imperial College Undergraduate Cardiovascular Conference 2018
Real-world experience of lumacaftor/ivacaftor combination in adult Welsh cystic fibrosis patients with severe lung disease. Tan L, Speight L, Lau D, Lea Davies M, Jones H, Proud D, Duckers J | National Foundation Doctors Presentation Day 2020 & European Cystic Fibrosis Conference 2020
Exploring the potential of phase angle to inform on nutritional status in adult patients with cystic fibrosis. Proud D, Ketchell Ri, Lau D, Rezaie M, Jones H, Tan L, Duckers J | North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference 2020
Body composition in adults with CF- are measurements taken using single frequency and mulitfrequency devices interchangeable? Proud D, Ketchell Ri, Lau D, Rezaie M, Jones H, Tan L, Duckers J | European Cystic Fibrosis Conference 2020
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