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Hi, I'm Laura👋.
I'm a medical doctor, NHS Clinical Entrepreneur 🩺 and software developer, currently building
Avid Health 🚀. I'm passionate about the power of tech to transform healthcare.



Medical Doctor 2019-2021

NHS Clinical Entrepreneur (2021 cohort)

Medicine MBBS, Imperial College London (class of 2019)

Cardiovascular Sciences BSc (1st class honours)

App developer: Spin the Bleep, med ed app in Flutter

Co-founder Imperial College School of Medicine Coding Society


  • Can wearable technology be used to approximate cardiopulmonary exercise testing outcomes?  Jones L, Tan L, Carey-Jones S [and 8 others, including Morgan M] | PERIOPERATIVE MEDICINE 2021

  • Extended laboratory panel testing in the Emergency Department for risk-stratification of patients with COVID-19: a single centre retrospective service evaluation.  Ponsford M & Burton R, Smith L, Khan P, Andrews R, Cuff S, Tan L [and 7 others including Underwood J] | JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY 2020

  • Comparative incidence of early and late bloodstream and respiratory tract co-infection in patients admitted to ICU with COVID-19 pneumonia versus Influenza A or B pneumonia versus no viral pneumonia: wales multicentre ICU cohort study. Pandey M, May A, Tan L, [and 11 others including Morgan M] | CRITICAL CARE 2022

  • The Use of Different Sepsis Risk Stratification Tools on the Wards and in Emergency Departments Uncovers Different Mortality Risks: Results of the Three Welsh National Multicenter Point-Prevalence Studies. Unwin H, Kopczynska M , Pugh R, Tan L [and 7 others including Szakmany T] | CRITICAL CARE EXPLORATIONS 2021

  • Four consecutive yearly point-prevalence studies in Wales indicate lack of improvement in sepsis care on the wards. Kopczynska M [and 31 others], Tan L And Szakmany T | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - NATURE 2021

  • Association between peri-operative angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin-2 receptor blockers and acute kidney injury in major elective non-cardiac surgery: a multicentre, prospective cohort study. StarSurg Collaborative | ANAESTHESIA 2018

Academic Posters

  • Association between ABO blood group and COVID-19 susceptibility and severity.  Tan L, Huws E [and 7 others including Underwood J] | Oral Presentation & Awarded First Prize At Society For Anaesthetics Spring Meeting 2021

  • Improving the utilisation of ultrasound for peripheral intravenous cannulation in the Emergency Department.  Tan L, Brum H, Jesani L, Loka T, Bewaji E, Ayres T | Bristol Patient Safety Conference 2021

  • Automatic identification of global features and local features of the human heart.  Tan L, Mielewczik M, Dhutia N, Francis D | Imperial College Biomedical Symposium 2018 

  • A robust and fast algorithm for fully automated detection of the ultrasound cone in echocardiographic image sequences.  Mielewczik M, Tan L, Dhutia N, Francis D | Imperial College Undergraduate Cardiovascular Conference 2018

  • Real-world experience of lumacaftor/ivacaftor combination in adult Welsh cystic fibrosis patients with severe lung disease.  Tan L, Speight L, Lau D, Lea Davies M, Jones H, Proud D, Duckers J | National Foundation Doctors Presentation Day 2020 & European Cystic Fibrosis Conference 2020

  • Exploring the potential of phase angle to inform on nutritional status in adult patients with cystic fibrosis.  Proud D, Ketchell Ri, Lau D, Rezaie M, Jones H, Tan L, Duckers J | North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference 2020

  • Body composition in adults with CF- are measurements taken using single frequency and mulitfrequency devices interchangeable?  Proud D, Ketchell Ri, Lau D, Rezaie M, Jones H, Tan L, Duckers J | European Cystic Fibrosis Conference 2020


Always keen to connect! Find me at:

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